"Paris Through The Window" at The Green Room 42
Charles Osborne & Leo Hurley's "musical myth" in concert in NYC!
I can't wait to return to the role of Armand on October 22nd -
Flute Concert for Trans Housing
I'm thrilled to have been brought on to create a new arrangement of a Gershwin classic for an amazing concert for a great cause! See you September 29th at Opera America in NYC - click here for tickets.
Royal Caribbean's Return to Service
The first gig back with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines:
Rehearsal Director & Choreographer of "The Beautiful Dream" on Ovation of the Seas - check it out!
The Simple Gift Series!
2020 was a year where we all had to do our best to make lemonade. I, along with some brilliant humans, made a TV show!
Check out SimpleGiftSeries.com to learn more.
Upcoming Projects...
As the gears start turning in the theatrical world again, there are a couple things on the horizon - I can't wait to share as I learn more along with you!